On the 18th September, 2021 we were lollipop people in Halton town centre, as part of the Liberty Festival, inviting the public to slow down, stop and engage in meaningful conversations about some of the most urgent issues of our times. How can we STOP being distracted by our phones? How can we STOP comparing ourselves to others? How can we STOP believing everything we read?
We gathered these questions over the summer, when ArtReach commissioned us to create our new fun social practice artwork ‘Liberty Lollipops: SLOW DOWN’. Working with Simran Kaur and Charlotte Walton, we co-created this series of alternative lollipop signs, alongside community engagement.
We also created a fun series of edible lollipops as a playful way to invite the public to stop and engage. We will be developing a series of new lollipops, based on these conversations with the public for 2 future Liberty UK Festivals in Corby and Leicester in 2022.